This menu has been developed to assist anyone who is looking to disrupt a criminal, particularly those involved in serious and organised crime, at a local level and working with partners. It will help you identify the appropriate tactics and powers that are available to law enforcement and partner agencies to disrupt criminality.
It is designed to support a Problem Solving Approach to the disruption of criminals using a breadth of existing law enforcement and other agency tactics. The problem-solving approach encourages greater focus on understanding the cause of a problem so that tactics can be more effective and more efficient in the longer term.
The menu provides ideas to assist in forming a coherent, creative disruption plan, with a combination of different tactics from many different agencies. If specialist tactics are being utilised in disruption activities then this menu can be used in conjunction with them and is complementary to the NCA Disruption Manual.
The menu is split into 6 areas of a criminal’s lifestyle that facilitate or support their opportunity to commit crime: Lifestyle, Behaviour, Vehicles, Travel, Business, Crime. These 6 areas also present opportunities to be creative in disrupting their criminality. You will be able to use hyperlinks under these headings to navigate a vast number of tactics/ opportunities, each with its own 4-page profile consisting of:
- What is this tactic?
- Impacts
- Case study
- What’s the procedure?
- Who can help me?
- What do I need to watch out for?
These multi-agency tactics can be combined into a bespoke disruption plan.
In developing the multi-agency disruption plan, consideration should be given to:
- Assigning a plan owner – from the most appropriate agency;
- Using a combination of tactics to disrupt single or multiple elements of the criminal’s lifestyle;
- Engagement with the full range of agencies and partners who are supporting the disruption plan;
- Using each disruption as an opportunity for further intelligence gathering and refreshing the plan;
- The coordination and timing in the use of the tactics: the plan owner needs oversight of the complete suite of tactics to ensure they are complimentary.
The menu is not an exhaustive list of every possible tactic – but it should assist you in thinking differently, prompt a different approach, and deliver a different outcome.
College Police UK
College Police (2016). Disrupting Serious and Organised Criminals – Menu of tactics. College Police, UK. Disrupting serious and organised criminals – menu of tactics | College of Policing