This Handbook presents a series of recommendations in the following fields: Managing violent extremist prisoners; fundamental issues; Managing prison staff and other resource persons
working with violent extremist prisoners; Assessing and managing the risks posed by violent extremist prisoners; Prison-based disengagement interventions; Managing the implementation
of disengagement interventions; Preventing radicalization to violent extremism in prison; Preparing violent extremist prisoners for reintegration into the community.
Managing violent extremist prisoners – fundamental issues;
Managing prison staff and other resource persons working with violent extremist prisoners;
Assessing and managing the risks posed by violent extremist prisoners;
Prison-based disengagement interventions;
Managing the implementation of disengagement interventions;
Preventing radicalization to violent extremism in prison;
Preparing violent extremist prisoners for reintegration into the community.
UNODC (s.d.). Key principles and recommendations for the management of violent extremist
prisoners and the prevention of radicalization to violence in prisons. United Nations Office on Drug and Crime. Summary-of-recommendations-on-VEPs.pdf (