This report describes the minimum requirements for education and training on the subject of dynamic security for prison staff. Establishing dynamic security as a concept and working method will affect the entire organization and have an impact on its values, objectives, structure and methods. Setting minimum standards can therefore be very complex.
While there are several other topics relevant to dynamic security, this report presents those that are believed to be most fundamental to successfully achieving the proper level of dynamic security and which, at the same time, are based on international rules and guidelines.
Human rights and human dignity
Security and safety for prisoners and staff: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Professional commitment
The desired staff-prisoner relationship
Infrastructure and meaningful activities
Risk assessment
Quality of trainers and methodology
EPTA (2021). Minimum Standards for Dynamic Security Training. European Penitentiary Training Academies. EPTA_04_SIG2-Minimum_Standards_EN_def.pdf