This article presents the findings of a research project which investigated prison officer recruits over their first year of work in order to understand prison officer working cultures and their evolution within the service. It examines why people chose to work for the Scottish Prison Service (SPS) through an exploration of their motivations and values; it further explores how prison officer recruits become socialised into role by their training, by the organisation, and by their work. This research extends the research from England andWales into prison officer socialisation (see, for example, Arnold 2016; Crawley 2004), by examining prison officers in the context of organisational change and the professionalisation of the service.
The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice
Morrison, K. & Maycock, M. (2021). Becoming a Prison Officer: An Analysis of the Early Development of Prison Officer Cultures. The Howard Journal, V. 60 No 1, pp. 3-24. DOI: 10.1111/hojo.12394