This handbook is intended to provide a framework with which prison training academies can design leadership and management training programmes. Given the complexity of prison leadership and management and the broad range of skills required of those tasked with this critical responsibility, effective training is essential.
The handbook provides a suggested roadmap for the design and provision of such training and highlights the critical elements required to achieve success. It does not propose a ready-made solution for leadership and management training. Its intention is rather to stimulate thinking about common issues and to aid in the design of training suitable for the individual country’s environment
CHAPTER I: Managing the Project
CHAPTER II: Accreditation and Structure
CHAPTER III: Conducting a Needs Analysis
CHAPTER IV: Programme Content
Good Prison Management in a Human Rights Context
Effective Leadership/Understanding Leadership
Management and Accountability
Professional Ethics and Behaviour
Legal Framework, Policies and Regulations
Management of Human Resources (HR)
Management of Financial Resources
Management of Dynamic Security
Management of Prison Conditions
Facilitating the Social Reintegration of Offenders
CHAPTER V: Considering Methodologies for Effective Training
Combination of Various Methods of Provision
Inter-agency and cross-border training
CHAPTER VI: Programme Design
The training director
Experiential case studies
Individual assignments
Learning groups
Facilitate progression through the training
Facilitate continued training during the closing seminar
Use of digital platforms for learning support
CHAPTER VII: Quality Assurance and Evaluation
EPTA (2021). Leadership & Management Training Handbook. European Penitentiary Training Academies. EPTA_02_SIG1-Leadership_EN_def.pdf